How we work with clients

We are a people-powered, relationship-based agency. We focus on understanding business challenges and friction points and working with you to resolve them – prioritising human connection and long-lasting partnerships. Teamed with our many years in the industry, we’ve crafted our approach since 2009 and are proud to offer our market-leading service to clients across a range of industries. 

  • Retainer

    Digital marketing success isn’t achieved overnight. And once you think you’ve made it,  there are always more opportunities to leverage digital marketing to push your business to the next level. 

    That’s why we typically work with businesses on an ongoing monthly retainer agreement. Think of Loom as your external digital marketing department – allowing you to focus on your own work, safe in the knowledge that your digital marketing is being looked after by experts.

  • Project

    We understand that not all digital marketing is ongoing, and we’re here to help with your campaigns, too.

    If you’re looking for an expert ad hoc digital marketing campaign to help with things like: 

    • Launching a new product or service
    • Online & offline event promotion
    • Recruitment drives
    • Market research support 
    • Seasonal pushes (Christmas, Black Friday etc)
    • Launching a new website

    Our team can support you with a digital marketing campaign strategy that targets your short-term needs precisely and effectively. 

  • Consultancy

    Already have an in-house team but looking for support from a strategic digital expert? We offer consultancy packages for all our services. What this looks like is bespoke to your business but always includes an initial learning and immersion phase, an audit of your current activity and a presentation of our strategy. Then there’s the option for us to rebuild your activity, upskill your team and support your in-house team with quarterly check-ins.

    Why use Loom as a consultant?

    • We always stay at the forefront of digital marketing so use cutting-edge techniques
    • We’ll always use modern best practices
    • Our experts have years that can help keep pushing your strategy forwards
    • You’ll still retain the control and agility that having an in-house team can have

What To Expect

We use a model that we’ve honed over the last decade to really drive results. Digital campaigns come in all shapes and sizes, and we’ll always offer a bespoke digital strategy depending on your individual needs, but, our service always has the same four priorities.

  • Planning: An immersion phase where we understand your goals and develop a clear strategy, timelines, budgets and creative suggestions.

  • Performance: Delivery of the strategy, ongoing optimisations and KPI-motivated improvements.

  • Communication: Regular communication with contacts and stakeholders to review KPIs, industry factors and opportunities.

  • Reporting: We’ll deliver a monthly report with analysis, learnings and opportunities to keep driving your activity further. You’ll also have access to a real-time Looker Studio dashboard.

Collaborative relationships BUILT TO LAST

Working with a digital marketing agency should be straightforward and easy, and you should never feel unsure about how we do things. We aim to be transparent and honest at all times. With a focus on nurturing collaborative relationships, we’re proud to say that we’ve grown largely via referrals and word of mouth.

Here’s what our clients have to say
  • 15years

    How long we’ve been helping clients succeed online. We’ve seen lots of industry changes, but we pride ourselves on always offering our award-winning service.

  • 18clients

    The number of clients we’ve worked with for over 5 years. We’re so proud to foster such authentic and long-term relationships, it truly makes us the agency we are.

  • 87%

    We’re proud of our client retention rate, especially during these more turbulent times. 


At Loom, we work in agile pods so we can match team members to client accounts based on their individual experience and skills. This structure enables us to define clear account direction, align people around client objectives and ensure we’re providing a leading service, all while facilitating collaboration and innovation within the pod.

Meet the team


Our human-led approach means that we’re always looking to make connections. Whether that’s between clients and the Loom team, or between your customers and your business. This is why our strategies stand the test of time and we are always improving and evolving.

Frequent Questions

  • Why use Loom when my business can hire a digital marketing person in-house?

    Compared to an employee who has a broad knowledge of digital marketing, our team of digital experts are each experienced and accredited specialists in their particular area of digital marketing. You can reap the benefits of having multiple Loom experts with a combined experience of 20+ years over one in-house person with three years experience for the similar agency costs vs. salary.

    Our experts are leaders in their fields when it comes to SEO, Paid Media, Content Marketing, Digital Strategy, and Data & Analytics. With the help of a Digital Strategy expert, our team members share knowledge between themselves to make sure all your digital channels work together in a joined-up approach and achieve more for you. We like to think of ourselves as an extension of your team, offering skills you can’t recreate in-house.

  • Why should I choose a niche digital marketing agency like Loom over a full-service agency?

    Since we started in 2009, we’ve chosen to stay in our own lane. Instead of diluting our digital marketing service with extra offerings like web design and development, we’ve focused on growing and enhancing it.

    As a result, we’re truly experts in our field and are bang up-to-date with the industry. We can provide you with an unrivalled digital marketing service that many bigger, full-service agencies can’t offer.

    For the services we don’t offer, we can recommend trusted, specialised partner agencies. We love collaborating with other agencies and find that working in tandem with them often leads to the best results. If you’d prefer to just have contact with one agency, we can manage this relationship on your behalf.

  • How long do I need to commit to working with Loom?

    We ask you to commit to a minimum term based on your project and objectives. This gives us enough time to acquire data, study it and implement a strategy that will start to generate the results you want.

    After that, it’s a rolling monthly contract. We’re not interested in locking clients into long contracts. We want you to stay with us because we’re generating great results for you and your business. We’re proud of our client retention rate. In fact, we’ve been working with some of our clients since Loom started in 2009.

  • Are there any additional or hidden costs for a digital marketing project?

    No, there are never any hidden costs with Loom. We cover all of our work in the set monthly retainer. However, you’ll need to cover any biddable media spend such as Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Facebook Ads. This is billed separately to our management fee, and directly to the ad platforms.

  • Why do the costs quoted by other agencies vary so greatly?

    Prices quoted by various agencies will generally reflect the differences in depth of service and experience. For example, a service that costs £250 compared with one that costs over £1,500 per month is not likely to be as effective or as thorough.

    When receiving quotes from digital marketing agencies, make sure you understand what the deliverables are for the costs they’ve quoted. At Loom, we’re always transparent and honest about what we’re going to deliver in the time we’ve quoted for. In our experience, we need a realistic amount of time to generate the best results possible. By quoting for anything less than this, we know we’re set to fall short on performance.

  • Who will be working on my account?

    We match team members to client accounts based on their individual experience and skills. Your pod is made up of a strategy lead and channel delivery resource to ensure fast and efficient performance at scale.

    While you will have an Account Manager as your main contact, all of your pod are visible on the account for full transparency of the work they deliver.

    We’re always open and clear about who’s doing what, and all of our experts are Loom employees. Thanks to our high team retention rate, your contacts won’t change regularly on your account. Meaning that you can build long-term relationships and collaborations.

  • Is all the work done in-house by the Loom team?

    Yes, every service we offer is completed by the Loom team. When needed, we call upon our trusted network of graphic designers, illustrators, web developers and video producers to help with projects that can enhance your digital marketing activity.

  • My business is based in London, Loom is based in Bristol. Does this matter?

    Where your business is located doesn’t really matter when it comes to the work that we do. In fact, we work with clients across the whole of the UK and beyond.

    When it comes to communication, we aim to see our local clients for frequent face-to-face meetings and arrange regular calls for our clients who are a bit further away. On top of that, we’ll travel to see you for quarterly or bi-annual face-to-face meetings.

  • How will Loom get to understand my business?

    Getting to truly understand your business is something we take very seriously at Loom. We dedicate a great amount of time to getting to know you and your business so that we can create the most effective digital marketing strategy possible.

    We do this by talking to you and your team at your project’s kick-off meeting. Here, we aim to get as much information about your business as possible by interviewing you about your offering.

    We also do a lot of research into your industry, and spend time analysing external and internal data. We ‘listen’ to your audience on social media to get an idea of what they expect from you, and lastly, we take a detailed look into your competitors and what they’re doing online.

    All this helps us to gain the best possible understanding of your business and industry. If you’re a local Bristol client, we can also spend time each month working from your office. This helps us really get under the skin of what your business does.

  • What will be delivered and when?

    When you start working with us, we’ll arrange a kick-off meeting with you and your team. This meeting gives us the opportunity to get all the information we need to put together our initial 6 month digital marketing strategy.

    This strategy will outline what we plan to deliver and when. It’s a comprehensive plan that details the aspects of the project we’ll be delivering and the dates you can expect to see them. We update and refresh this strategy (at least) every 6 months (or less) so you’re always in the loop about when you’ll see deliverables from us.

  • How quickly will I start seeing results after working with Loom?

    This depends on the channels you use, your competition, your budget and the performance of your website before we start working with you.

    However, as a general rule, you should start to see an uplift in online visibility and improvements in your key metrics and goals after the first three months. That’s because the first three months are all about developing the digital strategy and laying the foundations for a successful long-term project.

    Projects that use Paid Media tend to see results much faster, as qualified web traffic starts to come through instantly.

  • How often will results be reported?

    We provide live performance dashboards and reports that include all the metrics that are important to you. We report using Looker Studio with for cross-channel reporting, all in one place. 

    Your Account Manager will take you through these reports – explaining all the data and performance metrics and the work we’ve been doing. We may request extra information to ensure we track the wider impact of the project. Often, the digital data we provide is only part of how our project is benefitting your business, so by combining your data with ours, we can demonstrate the real impact our work is having.

  • What’s Loom’s new client onboarding process?

    Step 1: We arrange a call to scope out your requirements and determine if we can help.

    Step 2: Nikki (Loom Founder) or Tommy (Head of Growth), will arrange a face-to-face meeting, video conference or call (depending on location) to further discuss working together.

    Step 3: We deliver a proposal, examples of past work, a project plan and deliverables, including costs.

    Step 4: You decide if you want to go ahead.

    Step 5: We draw up the contracts which are signed by both parties.

    Step 6: Project kick-off meeting

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy