Clik Case Study
  • 185%

    increase in Google Ads online revenue

  • 113%

    increase in paid media traffic

  • 149%

    increase in Google Ads demo downloads year on year

  • 185%

    increase in Google Ads online revenue

  • 113%

    increase in paid media traffic

  • 149%

    increase in Google Ads Demo Downloads year on year

Our digital strategy

Through a multi-channel paid campaign, utilising Search, Display & Video, Loom was able to inform, engage and encourage users at all stages of the acquisition process.

Throughout the campaign, we tested and adapted to optimise every aspect of the user journey. From split-testing ad copy to running campaign experiments, all optimisation has taken place with our overarching goal in mind, which has been to deliver an increase in demo downloads.

“Our relationship with Loom has given us peace of mind, knowing that our paid media advertising is in good hands. With their approachable attitude and impressive knowledge of digital marketing, the Loom team have become an excellent extension of our own marketing team.”

Jess Clik

PAID MEDIA from Loom Digital

Over the years we’ve been helping businesses boost their traffic and revenue with a variety of bespoke Paid Media, SEO and Content strategies. If you feel your online presence is less than ideal then our team is here to help. Get in touch to see what we can do for your business.

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy