Stage Depot Case Study
  • 48%

    increase in website traffic

  • 157%

    increase in Google Ads revenue

  • 775%

    ROAS - an increase of 48%!

  • 48%

    increase in website traffic

  • 157%

    increase in Google Ads revenue

  • 775%

    ROAS – an increase of 48%!

Stage Depot provides theatres, clubs, universities and theme parks with lighting, rigging and special effects equipment. Like many other businesses in the entertainment industry, they experienced the impact of the pandemic and were keen to get back to pre-pandemic levels, especially now as the industry is making a return.

Loom began working with Stage Depot in 2022. Our Paid Media expert Sam took to the challenge, working to broaden reach and increase clicks which then led to better traffic and more revenue.

Loom’s PAID MEDIA strategy

  • Restructured and rebuilt most of their Google Ads activity over the course of the past year, paying particular attention to feed optimisations. This is a slightly more strategic approach to increase site traffic, and it allowed us to use the feed in creative ways – not just for Shopping and Performance Max campaigns, but also for search.
  • Segmented campaigns based on product profit margin and whether or not they sold in the last 90 days.
  • Used the shopping feed to create a dynamic list of in stock products and their URLs, so we could create a Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) campaign which we then segmented by brand.
  • Expanded our search activity with campaigns focused around specific brands and product ranges
  • Created a ‘best seller’ campaign which allowed us to focus on products with high conversion rates.

The results of our paid media campaigns

After giving their Google Ads a makeover, Stage Depot saw:

  • A record breaking year for online sales, making it the best year they’ve had as a business!
  • Revenue is up 157% from Google Ads
  • An 48% increase in ROAS, which is now at 775%

Sam and the whole Loom team have worked hard to fully understand our business needs, building comprehensive PPC campaigns and expertly advising on SEO priorities. The in-depth knowledge and understanding of our business has made Loom a key resource to Stage Depot, and they are always a true pleasure to work with.

Richard Smart Stage Depot

The past few years have been tough on the entertainment industry so we tried to do all we could to get Stage Depot back up to where they were pre-pandemic. They also did a great job of diversifying their product offering which meant we could keep things ticking along while we waited for everything to open back up again. When schools, theatres and music venues eventually reopened, Stage Depot was in a great position to capitalise on the pent up demand that we saw throughout 2022.

Sam Loom Digital

PAID MEDIA from Loom Digital

Over the years we’ve been helping businesses boost their traffic and revenue with a variety of bespoke Paid Media, SEO and Content strategies. If you feel your online presence is less than ideal, or your Google Ads accounts need some TLC, then our team is here to help. Get in touch to see what we can do for your business.

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy