Lifetime Training case study
  • 38k+

    page views in 2021-22

  • 626

    keywords in the top 10

  • 963k

    impressions in the last 12 months

  • 38k+

    page views in 2021-22

  • 626

    keywords in the top 10

  • 963k

    impressions in the last 12 months

The experts at Loom understood that Lifetime content needed to speak to their B2B audience directly, reinforce their authority and upsell the benefits of apprenticeships with Lifetime. Large businesses who qualify for the apprenticeship levy were the target audience. Their website had lots of content which spoke to multiple audiences and was generally unfocussed and unoptimised for search. It was in urgent need of a refresh to highlight their new employer-focused branding.

Following a site migration, which rolled out in 2021, Loom got to work maintaining and building on Lifetime’s B2B audience, while putting a new content strategy in place.

Loom’s CONTENT & SEO strategy

There are many threads to Lifetime’s content and SEO strategy:

  • We started with the site migration. The SEO pod provided technical SEO guidance throughout, as well as supporting Lifetime’s brand realignment. We distilled their site structure, removing legacy pages and reframing content for employers while ensuring all pages followed SEO best practices. We also made sure that the SEO authority already established on the old site was transferred to the new one.
  • Once the new site was live, we moved onto the content strategy. We established several ongoing content streams, as well as building on and refining pre-existing content streams on a new and more focused site. The aim is to reach a broad commercial audience who are in multiple stages of their buying journeys – some businesses want to invest in apprenticeships for the first time, some already offer apprenticeships but want to switch providers, while others want to expand their apprenticeship levy spend.
  • Of these content streams, one of the larger focuses is the Knowledge Hub. This is an SEO-focused content hub that dives into the more technical aspects of apprenticeships, i.e. jargon busters or contracts. These guides target generally long-tail keywords and search results page features, such as featured snippets and People Also Ask. Together, Loom and Lifetime work together to provide detailed information – much of which isn’t available elsewhere online – that adhere to SEO recommendations.
  • Alongside the Knowledge Hub, we also create thought leadership articles for the News and Insights section, which reinforce Lifetime’s expertise and authority within the industry. Lifetime also writes business news as part of this stream, which Loom optimises for SEO.
  • We also regularly optimise various landing pages on the website, to help ensure we’re capitalising on search for each industry.
  • Every quarter, Loom also conducts digital listening, scoping out the latest industry insights and trends on a variety of channels – such as social media, news articles and Google Search Console – to help feed into Lifetime’s content strategy. This task has continued to grow since the new site, focusing on insights relevant to the B2B audience.

The results

  • Overall, Knowledge Hub, News and Insights content has generated over 38,000 page views from 2021-2022, with Knowledge Hub articles alone generating over 25k page views.
  • 626 keywords with top 10 rankings in 2022, compared to 419 in 2021. These rankings consist of content from across the site, including core landing pages.
  • Almost 300 People Also Ask rankings
  • KnowledgeHub, News and Insight content has had 963k impressions and 431k clicks in the last 12 months
  • The website as a whole has had over 129,700 page views for 2021-2022 – beating their target by 173%.
  • Lifetime also achieved their business leads target by 184%, with a total of 221 B2B leads for 2021-2022.

The Lifetime Training site is testament to all of the hard work put in by both the Lifetime team and Loom team. Although the last few years have been more difficult than most due to the pandemic, Lifetime has continued to invest in their digital marketing, committing to a solid SEO and Content strategy with us, leading to a steady rise in organic traffic and impressive increase in rankings in search engine results pages.

Ellen Loom Digital

Integrated strategies from Loom Digital

Here at Loom, we’re strong believers in integrated digital marketing strategies. Incorporating a variety of channels into your marketing means leaving no stone unturned and putting your brand in front of users in unique, eye-catching ways. By balancing brand authority with SEO optimisation, Lifetime has seen some fantastic results – and your business can too.

If you’d like to partner with Loom and bolster your online presence, then speak to our team today.

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy