Implementing and managing a successful digital marketing strategy requires in-depth knowledge of various platforms, keeping on top of trends and understanding how users are responding to your current activity. But not everyone has the time to research the latest news or test recent developments. This is where our consultancy service comes in.

Our team lives and breathes marketing, whether that’s trailing the latest Paid Search features, researching industry updates or responding to the latest Google algorithm update.

We’re well-versed in a variety of marketing channels and are best placed to help you maximise your strategy. We’ll be a fresh pair of eyes across your accounts, guiding you as you reduce ad spend, improve lead quality, rank above your competitors and increase your business’ market share. We’ll also help upskill your team in the latest technologies and best practices, enhancing your marketing activity further.


We recognise that the agency delivery model isn’t right for every business. We often work with businesses to help them deliver digital marketing using an in-house team. Businesses benefit from our expertise, experience and strategic thinking while empowering and building your internal marketing teams.

With our knowledge of various channels and your knowledge of your business and market, we make a pretty powerful team.

Our consultancy service is tailored to your needs. We listen to your challenges and understand your requirements before proposing our solution. Our solutions range from research, strategy and planning to training, auditing, ongoing advice and more.

  • Paid Media consultancy service

    Businesses often come to us with stagnating Paid Media accounts. Your tried-and-tested methods are no longer working, cost per clicks are increasing and ROI is dropping, despite the best efforts of your internal paid media manager.

    Our consultancy service offers:

    Experience & knowledge: our paid media specialists benefit from being in multiple accounts day in, day out, meaning we can spot trends, experiment and apply learnings. 

    The competitive edge: We have a direct line to Google. As a Google Premier Partner, we have access to new products, betas and insight from Google. It enables us to be at the forefront of Paid Media management, giving you the competitive edge. 

    A breath of fresh air: Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is all you need. As an agency, we push each other forward by sharing challenges and accounts. Someone new to the account very often spots new opportunities. Our consultancy services offer a breath of fresh air into Paid Media accounts.

    Our Paid Media services
  • SEO consultancy service

    To make a real impact with SEO, you need to get everyone pulling in the same direction. Our consultancy service offers a data-backed SEO strategy and ongoing support to help your in-house team implement. 

    Immersion: Perhaps you’d like some insight into your competitors, or you’d like to understand user search behaviour. Or you might like some help understanding if your current  strategy is working. Our SEO immersion service  presents you with a clear picture of the opportunities available to you online.

    Vision: The vision piece is all about identifying how you can tap into the opportunities that are identified in immersion. Our strategic SEO minds pull together a vision for the site. This looks at how to organise your existing information in the most powerful way, as well as what’s missing. The vision is all about shaping your (existing or brand new) site to meet audience intent.

    SEO strategy implementation: This is where we hand the reins to you and your marketing/website/content team. We can provide you with a project plan, content briefs, and guidance along the way.

    Our SEO services
  • Technical consultation

    For sites to rank, they need to be in top shape from a technical perspective. We offer one-off audits of your sites using SEO tools and analysis. We can even work with your in-house or agency developers to help them  implement the changes. 

    Launching a new website should be an exciting step forward. We can help ensure that your current website visibility is carried over into the new site. We consult with businesses on website migration, working with your marketing and development teams to ensure SEO best practices are considered every step of the way.


Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy