Why content matters

You may have plenty to say about your product or service – but if you don’t say it in the right way, your words won’t resonate with users. Digging deep into data and weaving insights into sharp and punchy copy is key to engaging audiences and converting them into loyal customers.

Your website is often the first place users go to find out more about your business. So it needs to capture your voice, values and offering, ensuring that you’re the go-to solution for their challenges. We carefully consider every sentence to capture the ‘why’ behind your brand – why you exist, and why users need you.

Whether you want to increase website traffic, position yourself as an industry leader or create valuable resources for your audiences, we can help. Our experts develop and execute content strategies that help build that all-important relationship with your audience. Our SEO-led strategies cut through the noise and place you front and centre in search results while ensuring that your services stand out.


When it comes to creating and executing content strategies, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. So we offer a range of copywriting services for all kinds of businesses, shaping your messaging and writing words that resonate with your audiences and compel them to take action.

  • SEO-driven strategies

    Whether you’ve just launched a brand new website or feel that your content isn’t resonating with the right audience, we create SEO-led content strategies that communicate your values in a compelling way. We’ll get under the skin of your industry, merging our data with yours to immerse ourselves in your industry. We’ll write content that aligns with user intent and speaks to your target audience through each stage of the sales funnel.

    Our SEO services
  • Content creation

    All content should be created with a purpose, whether it’s a product page, case study or a thought leadership piece. It should meet users’ needs and move them further down the funnel. 

    You may already have an editorial calendar in place, or perhaps you want to build a strategy but have no idea where to start. Our writers will jump in and create different types of content on a regular basis, speaking to key audiences at each stage of their buying journey.

  • Content optimisation

    Creating new content is only one part of a successful strategy. It can be hard to keep old content up to date, so let us do the hard work for you. We’ll regularly check in on existing articles and guides and optimise them as part of an ongoing strategy, ensuring that they still align with your brand as well as Google’s guidelines.

  • Page briefs

    If you’d rather keep your writing in-house but want to reap the benefits of good organic visibility, or don’t have enough time for that initial research stage, we can help you work through the writing process with data-driven research and comprehensive page briefs. 

    After carrying out keyword and topical research, we’ll structure your page or article and advise on keyword placements to help you get started. We’ll also be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Writing your way to success

We’re a people-led agency that creates content for your business, meaning that our strategies are based on you. Successful content looks different for every business, which is why the immersion stage is just as important as the creation stage. We aim to execute a strategy that generates the results you want to see.

Ideation & immersion

Our writers consume what your audience consumes, such as industry publications, newsletters, forums and social channels, getting to know them inside and out. 

We apply the same level of attention to your business, learning more about your goals and becoming an extension of your team. Together, we’ll create a successful content strategy that broadens your reach, has good ROI and makes your business flourish. 


Writing for the web means being direct and driving action, with confidence and flair. We know how to take your brand’s personality and translate it into well-crafted copy that hits home. Whether you want to shout about a new product, simplify technical legislation or comment on the latest trends, we’ll find the words that best convey your message and deliver value.

Rework & revise

So we have a calendar in place and spent a lot of time researching and writing – but how do we know if our strategy is working? Starting with a content audit, we’ll periodically review the performance of your blogs, analyse your competitors’ activity and start reworking older content to ensure it’s up to date and still bringing results. 

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Lifetime Training • B2B

The lifetime value of content

Loom supported one of the UK’s largest apprenticeship providers reshift their digital marketing strategy, establishing their organic authority for both search engines and a different audience.

  • 38k+

    page views in 2021-22

  • 626

    keywords in the top 10

  • 963k

    impressions in the last 12 months

20 Bedford Way • Lead Gen

Content takes centre stage

How search focussed content has helped event venue 20 Bedford Way maximise bookings of their flagship 900+ seater theatre since 2014.

  • 45k

    Overall pageviews since January 2019

  • 30k

    First time entrances to the site from new users

  • 75

    Relevant organic keywords on page 1

Frequent questions

  • What are content marketing services?

    Content marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at attracting, engaging and inspiring target audiences. This involves creating landing pages, blogs, guides, videos, and social media, to name a few.

  • What makes content successful?

    Good content is developed for a specific audience and aligns with their intent. Our content is produced to attract a relevant audience that will ensure we drive, retain and engage audiences with your brand. At Loom we also immerse ourselves in your brand, taking into consideration your tone of voice, brand messaging and audience.

  • What does a content marketing strategy include?

    A full digital content marketing strategy includes tone of voice, brand guidelines, research, customer personas, customer journey, keyword intent, and best practices for SEO.

  • Why is website content creation important?

    We don’t just want to drive traffic to your website, we want your audience to engage with your business. Great content will support brand awareness, brand trust and ultimately conversions. It offers a long-term strategy that will work for your business over a long time.

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Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy