Your digital marketing needs to be guided by an overarching strategy – without one, how do you know if your current activity is working? 

We at Loom pride ourselves on our ability to tailor and enact long-term strategies that achieve your goals. We get under the skin of your industry and target audiences to ensure you maximise your marketing budget and make the most of the channels best suited to you.


In a world where numerous platforms and technologies are available, planning a strategy can feel overwhelming. What makes sense for your business? What to do and when? How do you achieve your goals?

That’s where our digital strategy services come in. We use our expertise to understand your current position and ambitions, and how we can help you get there. We provide holistic strategies and consultancy to help you make the most of your digital marketing budgets. All of our work across your digital marketing channels is guided by a strategy, pulling together to overcome the challenges you face and achieve your business goals.

  • Strategy

    We like to carry out a deep dive as part of the onboarding process. Our strategies are tailored to your goals and values, so combine your own industry insights with our data to find out what your target audience needs to convert. After getting to know your business inside and out, we start to pull together a long term plan involving the most relevant channels.    

  • Digital strategy consultation

    A robust digital strategy is key to long term success. We will take time to immerse ourselves in your business, and understand your goals and challenges before tailoring a digital marketing strategy. A range of tactics are employed to reach and better meet the needs of your audience online. We provide guidance to shape the next steps in your journey.

  • Strategy reviews

    On an annual or bi-annual basis, we engage stakeholders throughout your business and revisit your strategy. Your industry never sits still, so we need to make sure it remains relevant, and understand what’s worked and what needs improving.



It all begins with immersion in your business, understanding the challenges you face, where you’re going and why. It’s at this stage that we get to diagnose and understand the challenges you face and capture your long term goals. It’s also important that we capture the lie of the land in terms of your internal business – the stakeholders, digital ambassadors, the budgets, any knowledge gaps and blockers to progress.


We carry out audits and assessments of current and past activity to understand what has worked and why. Our team dig into your data, assess the quality of the website and understand the partners you work with. This allows us to have a clear understanding of your past and current performance, and what’s needed to meet your goals.


With more tools, platforms and channels available, it can be harder to know what to take advantage of and when, and how to balance them together. Our strategies cut through the noise with clear actionable steps to achieving success, as defined by you. We’re experienced in providing successful strategies in highly-saturated competitive verticals, as well as niche industries where account-based marketing is required.

Goals & measurement

It’s important to track success against relevant goals and KPIs. We work with you to define measurement and success metrics, and how we will report on them. It’s important that we work to realistic timeframes and have a framework to understand progress against medium and long term goals.  


Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy