Google Premier Partner

Google recognises Loom as one of the top 3% of UK agencies. We have a proven track record of going above and beyond to generate the best possible results for our clients, stay up to date with industry qualifications and deliver solid overall ad revenue and growth on the accounts we manage.

For you, this means that only qualified, experienced experts work on your account, ensuring you get the highest quality service and the best possible ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) for your business.

We work closely with our Google Representative to ensure we’re always ahead of the latest releases, techniques and strategies.This means implementing these valuable insights straight to your accounts before most people even know they exist.

Lastly, as Google Premier Partners, you can rest assured that our PPC techniques are ethical and that we follow best practice methods. This means your campaigns are safely run, minimising risk to your business.

  • 100+

    Google Ads accounts managed

  • £13m

    spend managed annually

  • 800k+

    conversions recorded


Your audience has a problem – so how do they find the solution? By Googling it. And, if you’re not already making the most of Google Ads, then your customers may be clicking through to competitors’ websites instead of yours. Over 3.5 billion Google searches are conducted every day – that’s a lot of users potentially turning to other businesses.

A powerful PPC strategy puts your business in the spotlight. Our Paid Media team have worked with clients from countless industries to reach the most prominent positions in search results. Unlike other marketing strategies, Google Ads only charges you for ads people click on. With data-driven and optimised campaigns, you’re sure to see a high return on investment.

Google Ads’ comprehensive targeting capabilities mean that you can pinpoint users throughout the funnel. You can layer Google Ads data with your own first party data, ensuring you see the best possible results from your campaigns.

When partnering with Loom, you can generate these results quickly. We’ll create a tailored and dynamic strategy that attracts clicks and conversions. Our in-depth and transparent reporting will provide key insights for both your stakeholders and our Paid Media team. We’ll leverage the data collected throughout your campaign and continually optimise ads, constantly building on your success.



    When someone wants to find what you offer, you’ll be there, without paying over the odds.


    Earn a strong ROAS and pay less per click with a well-optimised shopping campaign.

    Google Shopping

    Reach new customers as they browse the web and social with targeted display ads.


    Connect with the people who matter most to your business and turn viewers into customers.


Western Global • Lead Gen

International Paid Media campaigns

Loom has helped Western Global grow their market share in North America with the end goal of increasing both the volume and relevancy of leads acquired in the United States and Canada.

  • 187%

    increase in leads YoY

  • 15%

    increase in absolute top of page rate

  • 5%

    above-average conversion rate

Ignite Energy • Lead Gen

Driving high quality traffic in a niche market

Ignite Energy needed help raising awareness around their service, as well as to generate more leads in a niche B2B industry.

  • 72%

    YoY increase in site sessions

  • 65%

    YoY increase in new users to the site through content pages

  • 400+

    Organic keywords in a niche space


  • 1. Audit & research

    Our audit identifies areas where your current campaigns are performing well and what needs improving. This includes analysing your current spends to ensure you are getting the best return on investment.

    Through competitor research and drilling into search trends and your own data, we can help you identify the most relevant search terms or audiences to target, and which ad types will most effectively deliver the results you want to see.

  • 2. Data-driven strategy & creatives

    Our expert strategists will come up with a sophisticated strategy to get your brand in front of the right people and drive desired actions. Through brand immersion and a wider understanding of your target audience, we structure granular campaigns where relevancy and value is clearly showcased to the end user.

    Whether it’s exploring high-intent keywords through search intent or segmenting custom audience groups in YouTube placements, we take a unique and individual approach to every campaign we create so that the most effective placements are utilised to deliver results you can find real value in. We use advanced targeting techniques to ensure your ads reach your target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

    When it comes to display and video advertising, we can work with your own in-house design team, or involve our trusted partners. Together, we’ll create highly engaging ad campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

    Alongside this, we’ll always ensure that your ad campaigns align with current best practices and utilise the platform’s latest features.

  • 3. Campaign optimisation & reporting

    We believe in continual data-driven improvement. We’re constantly optimising performance using in-platform and Analytics data to ensure that campaigns are delivering on targets, and can be scaled to help you grow. By combining human touch with the latest technologies in automated bidding and offline conversion tracking, we spot trends and opportunities that enhance campaign output across all placements.

    Throughout our strategies, you will be involved every step of the way. Our tailored reporting is always accessible to our clients, meaning you can stay on top of performance to ensure that campaigns consistently deliver the results you need to achieve.


  • How much should I invest in Google Ads?

    The amount you should invest in Google Ads depends on several factors, such as your business goals, industry, competition and budget.

    To ensure a good ROI, you must first define your goals and budget while conducting industry research. Then, as we action your strategy, we’ll monitor, test and adjust campaigns to generate results.

  • Why should I use an agency to manage Google Ads?

    Hiring an agency to manage your Google Ads campaigns can provide many benefits. These include making the most of their expert knowledge and strategic planning, all while you get to spend time growing other areas of your business.

    This professional management can help you achieve better results, maximise your ROI and allow you to focus on growing your business.

  • Will I need to make lots of changes to website tracking?

    The extent of changes made to your website tracking depends on your current setup and advertising goals. Basic tracking may require minimal changes, while advanced features like enhanced conversions, remarketing, and detailed event tracking may necessitate more significant updates.

  • Is it worth running Google Ads?

    Google Ads is a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic, generating leads and increasing sales. Whether it’s worth it for your business or not depends on your goals, budget and your ability to manage and optimise your campaigns.

  • What do Google Ads provide me with?

    Whether you’re looking to drive traffic, generate leads, increase sales or boost brand awareness, Google Ads equips you with the tools necessary to achieve your advertising goals. With its extensive reach and precise targeting capabilities, Google Ads can be a powerful component of your digital marketing strategy.

  • What is the difference between Search Ads and Display Ads?

    Search Ads are text-based that appear in search engine results, targeting users with high intent using keyword targeting, typically operating on a PPC model.

    Display Ads utilise attractive visuals and appear across various websites. They target a broader audience through demographics, interests and contextual targeting. Both types of ads can be highly effective as they serve different roles within a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

  • How can I improve my ad performance?

    Improving ad performance requires a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and data-driven decision-making. Some of the ways in which you can boost results include thorough keyword research, crafting compelling copy, optimising landing pages and knowing your audience inside and out.

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy