Get in front of the people that matter most,when it matters, with a holistic approach to SEO. Let Loom unlock your long-term business growth with an organic search strategy that harnesses data and creativity.

  • 8.5 billion

    searches every day

  • 65%

    of users click on organic results

  • 92%

    of all search is in Google


Our SEO services are tailored to meet your business needs, ensuring your website gets in front of the right people and the right time. Organic success is a combination of rankings, traffic and intent-matched content leading to engaged sessions and relevant actions. No matter your business type or sector, we have the experience and tried-and-tested processes to achieve ongoing results. By focusing on both onsite optimisation and technical health, we help your website attract relevant and powerful organic traffic.  

  • SEO strategy & site transformation

    A robust SEO strategy is key to creating a website that works for your business. Let Loom create a sustainable strategy that allows you to reach and better meet the needs of your audience online. 

    We immerse ourselves in your business  to transform your site and deliver value to your target audiences. Combining creativity and data, our SEO strategies span site architecture, onsite optimisation and future-focussed technical excellence. We make sure our strategies evolve with your business by spotting opportunities and reacting to your challenges so that your site remains relevant.

  • Technical SEO & site health

    Poor technical health will hold your site back and prevent it from achieving your business goals. We put your website under a microscope and work closely with your developers to create the foundations for ongoing organic success.

    Always looking to the future of search, we balance user and search engine needs. A technically healthy site is one that users and search bots understand and appreciate, and can navigate with ease. While, this sounds simple, there are lots of factors that prevent both of those things from happening. This spans indexation and crawl budget issues to security issues to poor page experience for users on mobile.

  • Site migrations

    Making the decision to move to a new website is a significant project. It’s vitally important to engage Loom to make sure you capture any previous SEO authority on your new site, while setting it up for continued success. 

    We work closely with you and your developers to plan a migration that meets the latest technical requirements and utilises a strategic approach for your organic visibility and long-term growth.

  • SEO content & onsite optimisation

    Balancing your tone of voice, brand messaging and onsite optimisation signals, we reimagine landing pages to attract, engage and convert users. Our data-driven approach to keyword research allows us to map out your website to attract relevant users throughout the marketing funnel, providing them with the content they need.

    Our content writers are experts in balancing SEO requirements while preserving your unique voice. With a focus on users first, our SEO-driven copywriting is proactive, engaging and targeted. It allows you to remain agile, seizing on new opportunities as they emerge.

    Our content writing services



It all begins with us immersing ourselves in your business, understanding your offering, your USPs and your audiences. This provides the insights we need to assess the search landscape. 

Our research is extensive, looking at the wider market, your competitors and your customers. We identify how your audiences are searching, the questions they are asking and will ask in the future. It is then a question of making sure your site addresses those queries in the best possible way through optimisations.


We optimise your website to meet relevant search intents – those queries and phrases uncovered in the research phase. Our experts make key changes to your onsite copy along with a wide range of other key ranking factors such as metadata, header tags and internal links. Then we ensure your site is technically healthy and provides a seamless user experience journey for visitors.


SEO never stands still and neither does Loom. We’re always looking for opportunities to expand your site to meet the evolving needs of your users and your business. Ongoing optimisation allows us to improve and evolve what already exists, as well as introduce new areas to the site to meet search demand. This ensures your site remains organically visible as it grows.

Our SEO toolkit

SEO related


Stellar Cookware • eCommerce

Cooking up more traffic & revenue for Stellar Cookware

Loom’s SEO, Content and Paid Media teams used their skills and expertise to improve the revenue, organic visibility and traffic for Stellar Cookware, one of the UK’s leading kitchenware brands.

  • 147%

    increase in organic traffic

  • 102%

    increase in paid traffic

  • 59%

    increase in organic revenue across the campaign

Lifetime Training • B2B

The lifetime value of content

Loom supported one of the UK’s largest apprenticeship providers reshift their digital marketing strategy, establishing their organic authority for both search engines and a different audience.

  • 38k+

    page views in 2021-22

  • 626

    keywords in the top 10

  • 963k

    impressions in the last 12 months

Frequent questions

  • What is SEO management?

    SEO management is the process of managing a website through its technical health and online content. A robust SEO strategy ensures that your website has organic visibility in search engines, gaining maximum organic traffic for relevant search queries.

  • What are the types of SEO?

    At Loom, we break our SEO strategies into four pillars. One of these pillars is technical SEO, which ensures that you’re providing a smooth user experience and improves the crawlability of your site. Our other pillars are content, backlinks and local SEO.

  • Who does SEO work for?

    SEO works for any business that wishes to increase organic traffic. No matter how technical or niche your industry, you’ll be able to create an SEO strategy that generates the results you want to see.

  • Which is better - SEO or social media marketing?

    SEO increases your organic visibility in search, whereas social media marketing helps build traffic through user engagement and brand building. Neither strategy is better than the other. It is important to find the right service for your business and audience – which can mean using both SEO and social media in your marketing strategy.

SEO related


Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy