All the work that we do at Loom is impacted by content rate optimisation. To make the most of the traffic our paid media and SEO experts generate, it’s crucial to understand any barriers that prevent them from converting.

By removing these barriers, your conversions will increase, maximising your ROI and helping you meet your business objectives.

Our CRO experts take a comprehensive look at every stage of the funnel and interpret your data to make the changes that will deliver you meaningful results.

  • 80%

    of new leads fail to turn into sales

  • 2%

    is the average eCommerce conversion rate 

  • 60%

    of companies perform landing page A/B tests



Conversion rate optimisation for eCommerce is not just about conversion rates. It’s also about optimising order values, increasing repeat purchases, and reducing return rates.

We work with our eCommerce clients to help them better understand and therefore optimise the impact of their promotions such as sales and free shipping thresholds.

By optimising products with better margins, we can help clients achieve their business goals rather than just marketing metrics.


Understanding the B2B user journey is notoriously difficult, where low traffic and conversion volume levels make A/B testing difficult. 

We leverage qualitative data to fully understand our target audience in order to improve the user experience, conversion rates and lead quality.


  1. Defining objectives 1

    Taking time to immerse ourselves in your business and website is critical to a successful CRO project. Our experts will meet with you for a tailored workshop to define your KPIs and objectives and map your customer journey.

  2. Qualitative research 2

    Through session recording analysis, user testing and on-site surveys, we can analyse how different people experience your website. This shows us points of friction on your site and unexpected ways your audience chooses to interact. For certain business types, we can also utilise sales staff interviews and review analysis to get a more rounded picture of how your customers behave and what they like and dislike.

  3. Quantitive research 3

    By delving into your website analytics and click & scroll heatmap analysis, we are able to determine how people are, or are not, meeting the objectives of your website. We can then use this learning to create the perfect conversion journey.

  4. A/B testing 4

    A/B testing allows you to trial new ideas without committing to making a change on your site until we can prove it’s a positive one. We often start by testing alternative versions of your landing pages to select the best layout and the calls to action that resonate best with your audience.

  5. Review & repeat 5

    The digital landscape is always changing so your website has to keep evolving too. Our CRO experts monitor industry trends alongside customer feedback and data to maximise your website’s performance.


Already have an in-house team but looking for support from a CRO expert on how to get the most out of your activity? Get actionable, strategic insights that will improve performance, efficiency and ROAS with our consultancy service.

Our consultancy service

Frequent questions

  • What does CRO mean?

    Conversion rate optimization is the practice of using quantitative and qualitative data to increase the percentage of users who convert on a site.

    Increasingly, targets of CRO projects have moved away from just improving conversion rate and also look to improve order value, lead quality, return rate or other objectives that more directly align with business objectives.

    CRO is typically characterised by being the process that A/B testing programs are based around.

  • Is CRO only for e-commerce websites?

    Any website with a conversion and a desire to improve the number or quality of conversions can benefit from CRO. We work with lead generation clients to increase the number and also the quality of leads they generate on their websites.

  • Is CRO a one-time project?

    Whilst we occasionally do one-time CRO projects, we find that ongoing optimisation leads to the best results. This is because we’re able to continuously build on our knowledge of your website’s users and their behaviour. After all, if your audience and market are always evolving, shouldn’t your website be evolving too?

  • Is CRO just about testing?

    CRO isn’t just about testing. Without a structured approach, based on real data and a clear strategy, it will lead to missed opportunities, wasted time and a less effective outcome. CRO takes the guesswork out of making the changes that matter to your business.

    Conducting effective qualitative and quantitative research allows us to learn what matters most and prioritise which changes should be tested.

Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy