Paid media marketing is a great way to cut through the noise and drive real, tangible results. Through our paid search and social media advertising services, you can expect:

Immediate impact
For immediate, hard-hitting impact, paid media is your route to market. Whether you want to build brand awareness or increase traffic to your website, start seeing the results you want to see as soon as we launch your campaign.

Strategic targeting
Entice users with ads that resonate. At Loom, we’re all about digging deep into first-, second- and third-party data and getting under the skin of your target audience. We’ll use this data throughout our campaigns, continuously testing and honing in on the users who need that extra push down the marketing funnel.

High flexibility
We understand that business priorities can change. Paid Media strategies are flexible, catering to your needs and increasing or reducing spend as and when needed. This flexibility is also ideal for responding to trends as quickly as possible.

Full transparency
Our reports are comprehensive and designed around you, meaning you can see the data that you want to see. We’ll breakdown top-performing keywords, click-through-rates, conversions and many other metrics, using this data to enhance current performance.

  • £565k

    Monthly managed media spend across Google and Microsoft Ads

  • £220k

    Monthly managed media spend across paid social channels

  • 60years

    Our team’s paid media experience



    Sophisticated paid search strategies and precision optimisation ensure that when someone wants to find what you offer, you’ll be there.

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    Combine creative content, data insights and expertise to build brand awareness, unlock new opportunities and provide brands with long-lasting results.

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    Improve the quality of ad traffic and the conversion rate of your campaigns with targeted ads to the right user, at the right time, on the right device, in the right place.

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We can help you with

  • Display & video

    Reach new customers as they browse the web with targeted display and video adverts. These ads are perfect for raising awareness about products or services, as well as being very effective for remarketing and for improving customer retention.

  • Shopping & feed management

    Shopping is a key digital marketing channel for any eCommerce site. Earn a strong return on ad spend and pay less per click with a well-optimised shopping campaign from Loom. As a Google CSS (Comparison Shopping Service) Partner, we can offer a 20% discount on your Shopping Ad spend.

  • Lead generation

    Drive quality leads with a strategic multi-channel approach. Webinar signups, brochure downloads, lead gen forms – we’ve done it all.

  • Remarketing

    Encourage your customers further down the funnel with remarketing. Our sophisticated, cross-channel approach turns visits into conversions with powerful and targeted remarketing.

How we achieve your goals

  • Research & analysis for full-funnel strategy

    The first step to a successful paid strategy is to fully understand what your revenue goals are.We’ll build a paid strategy that achieves your  growth target, rather than  just meeting marketing metrics, ensuring that you see a tangible difference across your business.

  • Campaign development

    Our strategies match your brand to its audience, turning engagement into results and ensuring every click leads to meaningful growth . Armed with a deep understanding of your audience, we develop creative and messaging that truly resonates with your audience. We optimise results based on what’s connecting and moving people to action with a focus on efficiency and scalability.

  • Data-driven growth

    Search strategy is always adapting in real-time to the ever-evolving search environment. Your ability to drive growth hinges on the quality of data-driven insights we provide and our ability to translate those insights into actions.

Paid Media consultancy

Already have an in-house team but looking for some extra insights from our paid media experts? Get actionable, strategic insights into your account that will improve performance, efficiency and ROAS with our consultancy service.

Our consultancy service



Western Global • Lead Gen

International Paid Media campaigns

Loom has helped Western Global grow their market share in North America with the end goal of increasing both the volume and relevancy of leads acquired in the United States and Canada.

  • 187%

    increase in leads YoY

  • 15%

    increase in absolute top of page rate

  • 5%

    above-average conversion rate

Ignite Energy • Lead Gen

Driving high quality traffic in a niche market

Ignite Energy needed help raising awareness around their service, as well as to generate more leads in a niche B2B industry.

  • 72%

    YoY increase in site sessions

  • 65%

    YoY increase in new users to the site through content pages

  • 400+

    Organic keywords in a niche space

Frequent questions

  • Why use a Paid Media agency when I could use a bid management tool?

    While bid management tools can be valuable for automating certain aspects of campaign optimisation, they may lack the human insight, creativity and strategic thinking that a paid media agency can offer.

    By partnering with a reputable agency, you can leverage their expertise, experience and resources to maximise the impact of your paid media investments and achieve your business objectives more effectively.

  • Is paid media effective?

    Yes, paid media can be highly effective when used strategically. However, the effectiveness of paid media depends on several factors, including the quality of your ad creative, targeting strategy, budget allocation, and ongoing optimisation efforts.

  • How long should you run a Paid Media campaign?

    The optimal duration of a PPC campaign hinges on your unique circumstances and goals. 

    Nonetheless, it’s advisable to run it for at least three months to thoroughly test its efficacy. 

    Consistent monitoring and assessment of campaign performance are crucial for fine-tuning strategies and ensuring desired outcomes are met with precision and effectiveness.

  • What's the benefit of combining Paid Media with Data services?

    • We measure beyond what happens on the website.Passing data from offline sources like customer relationship platforms (CRMs)s can help us understand lifetime value for our ecommerce clients, and lead quality for our lead generation clients
    • The phasing out of third-party cookies has made it more important than ever to use first-party data to improve our reporting and targeting allowing us to keep optimising despite these limitations.
    • Our channel-agnostic reporting helps us understand the role and impact of different paid channels on your bottom line.
  • What's the benefit of combining Paid Media with SEO?

    • Shared learnings on keyword performance and GAP analysis
    • User search terms from paid can help identify longer tail keywords to target through organic content
    • Paid activity can support new pages by delivering impressions and traffic whilst Google crawls and ranks content organically

PAID MEDIA related


Tommy Pearson Growth Expert at Loom Digital

Tommy Pearson

Growth & Strategy